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The committee included representatives from the health ministry, Department of Biotechnology and Member Secretary, Dot. The recommendations of the committee are:

Mobile phones not adhering to standard levels of specific absorption rate (SAR) – a measure of the amount of radiofrequency energy absorbed by the body while using a phone - should be barred.

Mobile towers should not be installed near high density residential areas, schools, playgrounds and hospitals.

In the case of a person using a cellphone, most of the heating occurs on the surface of the head, causing its temperature to increase by a fraction of a degree. The brain blood flow is capable of disposing this excess by increasing the local blood flow and increasing body temperature.


For bedrooms where you cannot safeguard walls & ceilings using paints and films in this case we can use shileding curtians and bed canopy to avoid the radiations during sleep.


A canopy made of shielding fabric is the ultimate solution for the complete screening of your sleeping place. Working on the principle of a Faraday's cage, shielding fabric canopy will shield your bed from electromagnetic radiation: The best conditions for peaceful and healthy sleep.

To achieve an optimum screening effect, we recommend that you take advice from an expert.

Prevention is better than cure is the principle that also applies to electro-smog. In using shielding textiles in the home, you will be protecting your sleep and your well-being from the external influences of electromagnetic radiation.

BLOCSOCK..................... solution of mobile radiation while using the phone

Ideally, we would recommend that you don't use a mobile phone unless you have to, because of the potential long-term serious health risks (including cancers) being reported, following their use. These problems can occur even by carrying the phone on standby next to a vulnerable part of your body. You are then exposed to radiation when a call comes in, or even when the phone tries to connect to base stations, which can happen very frequently (more than once a minute) if you are in a poor signal area.